Smooth Transition: Shifting Your Baby from 3 Naps to 2 Naps a Day

And just when you thought you had your baby’s sleep schedule down, it’s time to drop another nap….

During the first few months of life, babies need frequent naps to support their rapid growth and development. However, as they approach the 6-month mark, they will be able to stay awake for longer periods of time between naps and they will need less overall daytime sleep. They will also be developmentally ready to consolidate their sleep which means longer naps. This natural progression will allow them to gradually move from taking three naps each day to two.

Nap transitions can feel daunting at times and the transition from 3 to 2 naps can be especially tough because, while your baby may need less overall support during the day, they may not quite be ready to stay awake for long enough periods of time to make it until bedtime with only two naps. 

That being said, there are some things you can do to ease the transition!

Tips for a Successful Transition

  1. Observe:

    Monitor your baby's sleep patterns and watch for signs of readiness, including suddenly waking early in the morning, staying awake for longer between naps, taking longer to fall asleep for naps, or resisting the third nap.

    Some or all of these signs need to occur over the course of 7-10 days for it to be considered a sign of transition readiness.

  2. Optimize Morning Nap:

    Prioritize the morning nap as it is typically the longest nap of the day and  offers the best quality sleep. 

    Ensure a conducive sleep environment and maintain a consistent pre-nap routine.

  3. Lengthen Wake Windows:

    In order to be on a 2-nap schedule, your baby needs to be able to stay awake for 3-3.5 hours at a time.Gradually increase your  baby’s wake windows in 10-15 minute increments. 

  4. Adjust bedtime (as needed):

    As you are extending wake windows, but still working with a three-nap schedule, you may need to offer bedtime later. 

    On the other hand as your baby adjusts to only 2 naps a day, they may not be able to make it until their typical bedtime. During this time, it can help to offer bedtime 30-60 minutes earlier than normal.

  5. Flexibility and Adaptation:

    During the transition period, allow your baby to switch between a 2 and 3 nap schedule as needed. If you rush the process before your baby is fully ready, it can result in early wakings, night wakings, and difficulty falling asleep.

    Adapt your baby's schedule based on their individual needs and cues, while keeping in mind the ideal timing for naps and bedtime. 

3-Nap Schedule (during the transition)

6:30 am Wake Up

8:30-10:00 am Nap 1

12:30-2:00 pm Nap 2

4:30-5:00 pm Nap 3

8:00 pm Bedtime

2-Nap Schedule

7:00 am Wake Up

9:30-11:00 am Nap 1

2:00-3:30 pm Nap 2

7:00 pm Bedtime

The transition to 2 naps a day typically occurs between 6 and 9 months of age. Expect the transition to take anywhere from 2-4 weeks. By following these tips you can navigate this transition successfully, promoting healthy sleep habits for your growing little one!

Last but not least, remember not to rush the process. Take each day as it comes, and allow for flexibility (and deep breaths) when needed. Your baby will adjust before you know it!



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